
A horizontal grid layout where items are centered inside each cell. The grid is defined by columnWidth and rowHeight options.


This layout mode is not included in isotope.pkgd.js and must be installed separately.

Download cells-by-column.js on GitHub.

Install with Bower:

bower install isotope-cells-by-column

Install with npm:

npm install isotope-cells-by-column



The height of a column of the vertical grid.

If rowHeight is not set, the outer height of the first element will be used.

layoutMode: 'cellsByColumn',
cellsByColumn: {
  columnWidth: 110,
  rowHeight: 110

If set to an Element or Selector String, Isotope will use the height of that element. See Element sizing. Setting rowHeight with element sizing is recommended if you are using media queries to change the size of items.

layoutMode: 'cellsByColumn',
itemSelector: '.grid-item',
percentPosition: true,
cellsByColumn: {
  columnWidth: '.grid-sizer',
  rowHeight: '.grid-sizer'
.grid-item { height: 13%; }
.grid-item--height2 { height: 23%; }
/* isotope element option sizing */
.grid-sizer {
  width: 110px;
  height: 25%;


The width of a column of the horizontal grid.

If set to an Element or Selector String, Isotope will use the width of that element. See Element sizing. Setting columnWidth with element sizing is recommended if you are using percentage widths or media queries to change the size of items.

If columnWidth is not set, the outer width of the first element will be used.

See examples above.